Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Vintage Homes and Buildings of Las Vegas

Here are ten portraits from my series of Vintage Homes of Las Vegas. I included descriptions in some, which I tried to keep unobtrusive by allowing the type to fade into the background at times.

Fremont Street revisited

 flag reflection

Keep off!

 Fremont St. experience


 Old part of town

 Old and in the way

 Old railroad cottages

 Old house slated for demolition


Saturday, May 14, 2011

South side of Las Vegas

 This time we ventured into Luxor territory and beyond! Went down the south end of the strip and ended up at the fabulous Las Vegas sign..

Luxor reflections  


Behind every man.......


The old Glass Pool Inn sign from the 50's




 Have a safe trip!

City Center

This was the week that we converged on City Center. It's funny how many places I haven't been to in Las Vegas. I mean, I only live here, right?

We heard some young guys comment on the "fishing lure" 
on their way by. I guess they've never seen a typewriter!

I don't think I can afford to walk through here...

fire and water

City Center-full of reflections

 Interesting sculpture-made up of canoes..  

Window dressing